So Sick, So Tired....

Happy Holidays! I have to be honest...I got really, really, really sick last Friday night and it just hung around. I think with all the work I had last weekend preparing for finals just finally caught up with me. So, I missed the family gatherings on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and I was FINE with it. It was nice having a quiet house to myself knowing that my family was out enjoying themselves and having good food. I just binge watched Netflix and took a LOT of medicine.

My dog Oliver is always ready for a cuddle in bed when he senses that something's not right. He lays by my face in bed. This was us Saturday morning. I was only smiling because he kept licking my face.

I'm super happy that I finally finished crocheting that afghan because it was helpful when I did make it out to the couch to lay down watch TV.
 Last night, after Christmas dinner, Oliver passed out on a pillow on the bed and he just looked so cute, sleepy, and peaceful. It's how I was feeling, minus the cute part. I was actually able to make a small dinner last night, thank goodness for crock pots. My mom ended up sending a LOT of food home with my kids, who had spent the day with them.

Earlier this month, my husband and I attended a Christmas party that his work catered for us. I was actually happy to be out. We got all dressed up and everything! I did actually have a good time and met new people. I was very proud of myself for socializing.

I'm very proud of myself for making it through finals week for this fall semester. I'm super glad I made it through another semester. I'm a bit worried about next semester, but I will take it one day at a time. I'm still waiting on ONE grade. I'm so anxious!

Anyway, take care of yourselves during the rest of the holiday season and remember that it's OK to respectfully say no.


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