California Wildfires: Hitting So Close to Home

I know I've been MIA. I'm still getting used to navigating life with college classes, learning how to study effectively and still have time to myself, and get everything done in between being sick (something that happens to me often.) So, with all of that, the crazy news stories happening, the election, and now the fires burning in California, it has been extremely stressful for me!

So, what do I want to address today?  Honestly this blog is really just so I can put my thoughts out there online for really no reason at all. But today......, my thoughts are focused on the fires burning in California.  Because I live in California, I'd like to share some photos from the fires, honor the firefighters who are a LONG way from being done with their very difficult job, and talk about how we can help the victims.

I live in Northern California, (Sacramento, specifically) but still about 140 miles away from Paradise and a LONG way away from SoCal, obvs. (See above map with "pins" of where the fires are located.) First of all, the smoke from the fires is sitting over us here in a very awful way. Our air quality has been upgraded from "dangerous" on Friday to "unhealthy" yesterday. I freaked out on Saturday because even sitting in my house, I couldn't breathe well and I was extremely sick from the smoke. It was an awful feeling. It felt like I was choking in my own house. We were able to get air purifiers for two rooms in our apartment and that really helped a LOT! I'm still dealing with burning lungs and eyes, as well as some lingering nausea, though. I wish I could go somewhere, but there's not really anywhere within driving distance that I can go. So, for now, I'm hanging in there.

None of what I'm saying is to take away from the pain and suffering of those who are in Paradise or the Malibu area. Our death toll is up to 50 today with many people missing. People who got out were lucky to even get out at all, that's how quickly this fire happened. The following photos are from Paradise, a fire that started with a campfire that "jumped" I believe. (This is still under investigation.)

Photo is still image taken from a CNN video

Photo credit: JOSH EDELSON/AFP


As you can see, people barely escaped Paradise, CA. I'm sure some of you have seen the video footage on the news. If you haven't, it's extremely difficult to watch.

Photo Credit: Karl Mondon | Digital First Media | The Mercury News | Getty Images

Photo credit unknown. Taken from the NY Sun

According to news reports, there are planes and helicopters scooping water from the ocean to help fight these fires, including the planes that drop this red, retardant on the fires. And our firefighters are fighting a near impossible fight. A HUGE shoutout to all firefighters out there. Thank you! 

If you feel like you want to donate or try to help the many victims of these fires, here is some information for you.

How You Can Help:

There are many ways you can help, but here is one that I found that I feel the most comfortable sharing because it's local.

CCF Wildlife Relief Fund

The California Community Foundation’s Wildfire Relief Fund leads both recovery efforts, as well as prevention and preparedness campaigns. In the wake of the current fires, the organization aims to rebuild homes, provide mental health services, medical care, financial assistance and other basic needs. Donate online. You may also send checks payable to the California Community Foundation. Checks should be mailed to: California Community Foundation 221 S. Figueroa St., Suite 400 Los Angeles, CA 90012.


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