School, Ballet, and Stuff

Hello Readers,

I've been pretty busy this past month getting ready for classes to start again for the fall semester in college. I had 5 classes lined up so it was a lot of work to get ready those few weeks before hand.

Anyway, I've been doing pretty well actually. I have pulled out of my burnout. It was sooo slow but steady. Every day I felt a little bit better and would you believe? This semester I'm actually taking a Ballet class at school and I'm doing well! Even I can't believe it!

Thankfully, we take things very slow in Ballet, so it has not been a shock to my system! I'm absolutely loving it! Truly. I'm actually making friends, which is so hard for me to do, but since we do actually have a lot of time to kind of sit around while we're stretching before class, it lends itself to plenty of conversation. Love it. I'm even learning French, of course!

So, with that said....Last year, was my first year at this school and each new semester was terrifying for me. This year, I have had a few things that gave me anxiety, but nothing like when I first started. I think it's because I know more people, I feel comfortable with the student center, I know where all of my classes are, I'm familiar with the book store, I know where the library is and how it works, and so it's NOT new to me anymore. Therefore, I feel confident when I have a task that I need to accomplish and it doesn't give me a panic attack. 

I'm honestly surprised at how well I'm doing this semester. I did have a flare up, (I have Celiac disease) and was sick for the ENTIRE second week of classes. I radically changed my diet and I'm feeling terrific this week, honestly. I'm going to try to go totally vegan, eventually. 

As far as my illness goes, only 1 professor was NOT understanding, so I dropped her class. It was for the better though. So, now I'm taking 4 instead of the 5 I started with. It feels harder than last semester, but challenging in a really GOOD way! I'm actually happy with how I'm managing life right now, which is very rare for me. Yay. 


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