To Be or Not To Be.... be what, though? That is MY question. What do I want to be? It's always been a struggle for me deciding on what I wanted to do with my life. Over the years, I've had many jobs. I've been a nanny, a travel agent (corporate and personal), a Medical Transcriptionist and medical secretary. I've worked in retail and in warehouses. I've been a server and a bartender. I've done a lot of things.

However, I always wanted to go to college and had huge aspirations, though I was never able to settle on just one thing. How could I pick one or two majors out of all the cool things that I could do in life??? I'd settle on a major that I felt would suit me and then change my mind 6 months later with all the rationality in the world. Sometimes it bothers me that I can be so gung-ho about something and then change my mid so completely not too long after and every time I change my mind, I hope that I have finally found something to settle on. I always hope that it's the last time I change my mind, all the while knowing that it most likely will NOT be the last time.

I've changed my major this past year 4 times. I have most recently settled on a major in Anthropology which actually isn't out of the blue. I've been thinking about it for about 5 years. However, I still want to do all the things! I want a major in Sociology, Philosophy, Art, Photography, Fashion Design...I could go on and on.....Maybe I'll be one of the ones who just stays in college forever?


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